I remember when they told us about your heart, Adam and I just wanted to make it till surgery, then tie the next, and the next, then tie 5. 5 seemed OLD. 5 IS OLD IN HEART WARRIOR YEARS. I dreaded the day that marked Weston's 10th bday. I get overcome with emotion and I cannot find the balance between taking care of the kids and wondering what Weston would be like today. I wish I could explain all of the love and concerns heart moms, dads, and siblings carry 24/7. It is like the club you are unfortunately apart of but love the company you have
I cry a lot. I miss a lot. I am jealous a lot. I want our baby but, I have to believe that his life is better in Heaven. I have to believe that above all, he was sent to earth for us to all learn to love each other, show kindness, and perform good works.
This child taught the world to love a little harder, be a little stronger, and to eat Hot Cheetos like they are going out of style. And so I miss you, with all my heart. It is a pain that I hope others never feel because a part of my heart is just gone. But, I love you, and I hope you had the best birthday ever, in Heaven-with all of the ice water and hot cheetos that could ever be included.
We are challenging people to make a 10 dollar donation, in honor of his 10th bday, to the CHOP Radiothon. http://us3.campaign-archive1.com/?u=47bbb84caeeffd33e1f67f493&id=57e2299ccd&e=bddc7e2a67