Monday, March 23, 2015

A Simple Thank You

This is for everyone who has every help our family. On this, his one year, we just want to say Thanks!

A Simple Thank You

How does one person thank so many? I have no idea.

How does one person so dear to me touch so many people, in so many ways? I have no idea. 

How does a group of people give hope to so many little children everyday? I have no idea. 

How does a person give back to such people? I have no idea. 

How will I ever get over the loss of one so dear? I have no idea. 

How does this one thing bring such renewed hope in me? I have no idea. 

How does one person thank so many for so much? I have an idea! 

Thank You.

A.K. inspired by W.K.

Saturday, March 21, 2015


As the days passed and things continued to get worse, Weston had so many tests run-MRI (thank you Dr. Licht who so kindly came in on his day off to show us all of the slides of Weston's amazing brain), CT Scans, bedside broncos, more sedation,  more episodes, more CPR,  more blood work, a line placed in his foot,  and a spinal tap.  In sheer desperation, we reached out to everyone we knew-every single person that came near Weston got inundated with a million questions about what they thought could be wrong with him.  I realize now, I was hysterical.  Adam and I were desperate parents looking for an answer.  Everyone wants an answer for what is wrong with their baby and an easy fix.  Unfortunately, the answers weren't coming easy.  The tests all looked ok.  Of course, Weston was blazing his own trail.  Sundays will never be the same.  Although, his Angel-versary is on Monday, Sunday will always be the day when my heart hurts the most.

Adam and I are so thankful for the outpouring of support for "Feed the Fire".  I don't have a total number yet but I am pretty sure we will break 100!  That is amazing.  Thank you all for feeding your local heroes who took the time to make such a difference in Weston's life and make him feel so special!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The day it all changed

I will never forget us coming in for the day and I knew you didn't recognize me.  You stared in a distant gaze.  Your movements were sporadic at best.  Your eyes longed for you dad and me but we couldn't figure out how to help you.  You just kept starting.  I think you were starting to say goodbye.  God knew we would need that comfort.   We needed just a little more time.  In hindsight, this is the day that we lost touch.   I hope and pray that you went to Heaven that day awaiting a land of milk and honey-or hot cheetos, sour candies, and your best buddy Meg.   This is the day, I feel that you began your journey to Heaven and God was giving us sweet time to say goodbye.  You woke up and said Mama and a few other words before a fever of 105 came.  You were so restless that you ripped out your picc line. We had to strap our hands down because you were so feisty.   I am so thankful that you had your favorite nurses to care for you during this time.  We stayed in the sleep room and Meg would update me.  I would come check on you, on the cooling blanket.  You seemed so cold and yet so hot.  It wasn't fair.  You had fought and fought.  You were the Little Prince.  Somehow, I heard a small voice say this was the start of the end but I couldn't believe it.  That was unacceptable.

Friday, March 13, 2015

A year ago

I take myself back everyday-maybe it is torture or therapy-I really don't know.  I look back because I want to gaze at your sweet, steroid filled face and look at your sweetest smile.  As we near your one year Angel-versary, I realize that next year, I won't be looking at the same things.  How have we been a family for an entire year without you, my Little Prince?

On your Angel-versary, on Earth, we plan to Feed the Fire.  We want to feed the firemen and police heroes that have made such an impact on you life.  We are overwhelmed by the generosity of others because THEY have made this happen. AMAZING!

Yesterday, we were able to meet one of your fav nurses dad's.  It was AMAZING.  He may have never been able to meet you in life but hugging him just made me feel like he was so in touch with you.  Maybe I miss Philly more than I ever can admit.  And then, maybe it isn't Philly, maybe it is just you.

I miss your jokes.  I miss the creepy thing you had on the back of your bathroom door to scare me.  I miss your crazy tastes in food that caused me to order out from a zillion different places.  I miss your grocery lists.  I miss you.

Not a day makes my pain any better.  It is unreal.  I see so much of you in Kinley.  I have no doubt that you loved on her before I got to hold her.

I never thought, more than a year after transplant, that this is the celebration we would be planning.  Not once.  Not ever.  But here we are.  I hope that on your Angel-versary, you roller-skate through Heaven giving out lollipops, ice cream cones, and Flaming Hot Cheetos with you best friend Megan. I hope that Papaw Mitchell, my grandma and grandpa, and my dad are there to cheer you on every minute.  Go wild sweet prince!  Enjoy it!  Happy Angel-versary!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Feed the Fire

As your one year Angel-versary approaches, my heart hurts, my stomach is in knots, and I just want to hide in the corner and cry.  Your dad and I relive everyday through my Time Hop ap.  It is a mixed blessing to relive those sweet days with you.  Your super round face from the steroids-I can still feel how they felt-your sweet long fingers, tiny baby toes that I used to kiss, and the softest hair in the world.  I think about your smile and you asking Dr. Spray, ever so sweetly, if he had your old heart and lungs in a jar on his desk.  You are a warrior my sweet little prince.  God blessed us with you.  Now, it is our turn to give back to those that helped you (and our family) SO much!

Weston LOVED the firemen and so many firemen blessed his life. Let's show them how much Weston loved them and take meals. For the volunteer fire departments, we will plan to take Gatorade, Water, and snacks. For the other departments, we are thinking pot luck or other hot meals. Please list what fire department you would like to help with and I will add it to our master list. We encourage you to reach out and meet your local firemen in honor of Weston. Please message me so I can send you a card from Weston's Warriors to deliver with your goodies.

I miss you forever and always!