Saturday, March 21, 2015


As the days passed and things continued to get worse, Weston had so many tests run-MRI (thank you Dr. Licht who so kindly came in on his day off to show us all of the slides of Weston's amazing brain), CT Scans, bedside broncos, more sedation,  more episodes, more CPR,  more blood work, a line placed in his foot,  and a spinal tap.  In sheer desperation, we reached out to everyone we knew-every single person that came near Weston got inundated with a million questions about what they thought could be wrong with him.  I realize now, I was hysterical.  Adam and I were desperate parents looking for an answer.  Everyone wants an answer for what is wrong with their baby and an easy fix.  Unfortunately, the answers weren't coming easy.  The tests all looked ok.  Of course, Weston was blazing his own trail.  Sundays will never be the same.  Although, his Angel-versary is on Monday, Sunday will always be the day when my heart hurts the most.

Adam and I are so thankful for the outpouring of support for "Feed the Fire".  I don't have a total number yet but I am pretty sure we will break 100!  That is amazing.  Thank you all for feeding your local heroes who took the time to make such a difference in Weston's life and make him feel so special!

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