Friday, December 12, 2014

Happy Angel-versary donor family, and Happy Transplant-aversary sweet boy

The title really speaks for itself.  Adam and I have such mixed feelings on today;  We were so incredibly happy that Weston was finally going to get a new heart and lungs one year ago today, we knew that another family was without their baby at the same time.  How do you overcome that?  How do you thank such selfless people?  We chose to honor Weston's donor-last year, and this year by having people sign up to be organ donors.  Last year, thousands signed up in honor of Weston and his sweet donor.  To me, organ donation is the ultimate gift.  His transplant meant our family was brought together and for a brief time, we planned on going home.  Thinking back now, God had other plans.  A year ago, just a couple of hours ago, Adam and I went to dinner with friends.  They were getting Weston settled and we had a moment to grab a bite to eat.  Upon arriving back, the prince was doing great.  As soon as he heard our voices back in his room, he tried to sit up.  He arrested.  The next minutes are a blur.  Adam and I were in a corner of his room begging God to not take him.  Meg came over to talk us through things while fav nurses did CPR on him.  Dr. K ordered in VA ECMO-Adam and I will NEVER forget that.  Dr. M, a new surgeon whom I had heard rave reviews about and had met earlier that morning came in, prepared to do ECMO.  At this same moment, doctors were being paged from their Christmas party across town.  So, as news spread, doctors started running.  Now, in retrospect, it was Weston's way.  He loved to be the life of the party.  At the time, it was horrifying.  I am so thankful for Jeff Chase.  Jeff was a total boss taking care of the entire code.  Lori, Erin, and Keith all did a fabulous job.  You can't just thank people who saved your child's life.  There just aren't enough thanks in the world.  Finally, once everyone thought he was settled, Adam and I went to the sleep room and cried.  We cried for the donor family that we had prayed for, for so long.  We were happy that it was finally Weston's turn at transplant, But, the future was so unknown after the arrest.

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