Saturday, April 4, 2015



An empty spot at the table.
A count that is just not quite right.
My world is not that stable.
One missing every night.

What, I would give!
What I would take!
Where did you go?
Now all I feel is alone?

The darkness must not win.
If only just for their sake.
I can not believe you are gone.
The Doctors must have it wrong!

This pain is so real!
The weight is to great!
Why would your light need to go?
To soon for my taste, to little time indeed.

Can you still see my need?
My world has fallen apart!
My family is incomplete!
How do I hold this together?

What can I do?
What new love can there be?
Can you send a clue?
I am down upon my knee!…..

Just waiting…waiting….waiting!!!!


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